#10 Don’t be SMART, Go for the Milestones.

I’m not a fan of SMART goals. They lack what’s necessary for a creative indie. Creative indies work towards their story through milestones. In this episode, we discuss how to use milestones effectively.

Show Notes:

My mind map for this show(Click to enlarge):

File May 08, 11 16 48 PM

My March Calendar with milestones and scheduled tasks.


Errata: So my Iowa geography is off.

After posting I did find an error in the post. For some reason I said Debuque instead of Des Moines.  I’d be in real trouble if I was in Debuque, since that would be seriously off course.


Instead of fixing this I’ll make it a teaching moment — one I’ll bring up in later episodes too. In in the example I gave you if you find yourself in Debuque, when you are supposed to be in Des Moines or Omaha,  STOP. Re-evaluate what is going on and where you are. If your feedback tells you are way off course, change your milestones to get back on course.  I’d probably continue on US20 to I-35 to get to Des Moines.  While that seems silly on roads, resistance can seduce us into this exact scenario very easily.

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